Social Emotional Learning: What it looks like when it is working Feb 14, 2022

I could start by providing a very technical and specific definition for social emotional learning but I’d rather not. Instead, let me simplify it for you by stating that social emotional learning is about relationships. It is the way that educators use and model appropriate and effective...

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Educators are Hurting, Why Should We Care? Oct 21, 2021

This may be the most personal piece that I may have ever written on the topic of education. It is 2 PM in the afternoon and I am very tempted to pour a glass of wine, don’t judge me until after read what I have to say.

Many people talk about learning loss like it’s a new thing that...

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If Equity Existed 100% in Schools Aug 09, 2021

     When presented with the question, “if equity is effective, what would it look like in schools?” I have to admit, it took weeks for me to ponder a response.

     I need to explain why such a question, would seem like a conundrum to me. You see, as a...

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Trauma Informed Leadership Jun 29, 2021

Leadership and Trauma Informed Schools                   By: Dr. Yolanda Peay

The demands associated with educational leadership in urban schools continue to become more complex and multi-faceted. Leaders of urban schools recognize the need for...

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Building Relationships that Matter May 10, 2021

In our very first panel discussion we dig into the importance of building meaningful relationships. We invite our panelists to openly discuss their experiences, insights, and perspectives as professionals in their fields. During this discussion you'll learn about the role that relationships play...

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The Importance of SEL May 02, 2021

Social Emotional Learning is more than just a fad or an occasional conversation here and there. Social emotional learning is an integral part of the learning process and if you want the best for your students you'll quickly begin to understand why it is here to stay. The fact is, students benefit...

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